الاثنين، 17 أبريل 2017

Self-sufficient country in the Horn of Africa

Somaliland wrote a success story, which is however more and more at risk. Because the small country international is not recognized, it doesn't hardly help - even in the current drought crisis. 

 Isabel Pfaff, Hargeisa             Translated. View original report here

Livestock is one of the two major sources of income of Somaliland - in addition to the money, which sends the diaspora back home. The animals are mainly the Arab Gulf States. (Photo: Robin Hammond / visa)
No security checks, no bag check. You want to the Minister, one must overcome a few levels, already it is located inside the Government building. The Minister still dispenses with a few other symbols of power, which are often common in Africa - hours wait despite an appointment for example. With only ten minutes late rushes Shukri Bandaré, a little woman about 50, by the gate of their Ministry, apologizes and takes place on a bench in the green courtyard. She wears a head scarf tied around the face closely, her English is fluent Somali accent is strong and proud.
Shukri Bandaré is of Somaliland Minister of the environment. A State that officially did not exist and therefore lack of international support. However, Somaliland coped compared with its neighbors quite well in recent years - the current drought crisis could threaten the small success story in the Horn of Africa, however.